Honey Bear Acorn Squash 3.5″ pot
Small acorn winter squash, roughly 1-1.5lbs, disease resistant, higher sugar content, shorter storage life. Plant is classed as a semi-bush, so while it may sprawl, it shouldn’t go too far. Bred at UNH by the late Dr. Brent Loy. Pickup late May to early June.
Bush to short-vine habits generally require 6′ between-row spacing, while long-vine habits require 12′ between-row spacing. In-row spacing depends on fruit size and is generally: small, 18-24″; medium, 24-36″; large, 36-48″. Protect young plants with floating row cover. For vine borers, cut out of vines and hill soil over the wound. Keep field borders mowed and remove plant refuse in the fall; spring plow to bury pupae. Insecticides (specifically pyrethrin sprays) may offer some control. reference
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