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Dunja Summer Squash 3.5″ pot

Green zucchini with good disease resistance.

Organic, early, powdery mildew resistant.

A high-yielder of medium-dark green, straight zucchinis. Open plants and short spines make for an easy harvest. USDA Certified Organic.

Disease Resistance:

  • Papaya Ringspot Virus (Intermediate)
  • Powdery Mildew (Intermediate)
  • Watermelon Mosaic Virus (Intermediate)
  • Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus (Intermediate)


For some varieties, it is common for the first fruits to be malformed, wither, or blacken, which indicates poor pollination and is usually remedied as more male flowers appear. Harvest regularly, 2-3 times a week, once plants begin to produce. Cut or gently twist off fruits when they have reached the desired size. For zucchini, 6-8″ long. Handle with care to avoid scratching fruits.


Harvest male blossoms (with thin stems) or female blossoms (with thick stems and an immature fruit at the base of the flower) in mid to late morning when fully open. Clip flowers 1-2″ below flower base. If a squash fruit crop is also desired from the same planting, only harvest male flowers, leaving a few to pollinate the female flowers.



23 in stock

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