All gifts to The Cornucopia Project, EIN 26-1460809, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Click to view the 2022 990.

Safari Striped Summer Squash 3.5″ pot

Add some pizzazz to your summer harvest with these uniquely striped zucchinis. Safari Hybrid Summer Squash produces high yields of striped, green fruits that have a mild, sweet flavor with nutty undertones. Whether grilled, steamed or sautéed, they’ll add wonderful color to the dinner plate. The spine-free plants grow in a bush habit, making harvest easy. Safari Hybrid Summer Squash is a prolific producer, so you’ll have plenty of fruits to enjoy and to share. For the best flavor, we recommend harvesting at the 6-8 in. stage.

Green zucchini with attractive white stripes.

A prolific yielder of attractive, glossy, cylindrical fruits that are easy to pick due to the nearly spineless plant.


24 in stock

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